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About beanz Magazine

Our Mission

While we are no longer able to publish beanz magazine in print and online, as of April 10, 2024 we’re publishing an email newsletter that continues the spirit of beanz. Our goal is to continue to provide useful and interesting STEM/STEAM information for kids, parents, relatives, teachers, and librarians. The newsletter is at 30 STEM Links (https://30STEMLinks.com).

Instead of publishing six print and online issues a year, our email newsletter sends two emails a week with 30+ STEM links to articles, resources, profiles, news, tutorials, and more. A newsy email shows up on Wednesdays and a more light-hearted Sunday email has links to often quirky but fun STEM articles we’ve found. Think wooden satellites, fungus that use chemical signals to communicate, and so on.

Paid subscriptions to our email newsletter includes full access to this website. And helps us provide access to this site for Title 1 schools and groups that work with under-resourced kids. While we’re no longer a nonprofit, we want to continue to help all kids and their adults become digitally literate. That mission continues.

Consider this an invitation to visit us at our new home and join us!