While it is true programmers use internet search engines as much as half the time to look up error messages and find solutions, programmers also read books about the trade of coding and computer science. There’s an art to software programming that can only be found in books. These books are a great start if you want to understand programming beyond hacking code to create things.
Grokking Algorithms: An Illustrated Guide for Programmers and Curious People
By Aditya Bhargava, Manning Publications
This is a simpler version of another great book about algorithms, Introduction to Algorithms, a textbook. This book doesn’t have long winded explanations. Algorithms is a key part of learning to code efficiently.
Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
By Robert C Martin
There’s messy code, good enough code, and beautiful clean code. If you program long enough, some day you’ll happen upon code that is as beautifully constructed as a cathedral. Learning how to write clean code is one way to make your code tight and to learn how code actually works.
Coders at Work
By Peter Seibel
If you wonder what it is like to be a programmer doing really interesting projects, this book is a collection of interviews with some of the best programmers. They describe their work, what interests them, and how they approach software programming and computer science.
The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master
By Andrew Hunt and David Thomas
Software programming requires a variety of skills including how to be pragmatic about your coding solutions. This book, while old (1999), is still one of the best explanations how being pragmatic can help your programming. Please note this book currently (April 2020) is out of print. Buy used or ebook versions on Amazon, Alibris, or other sources.
Lift-the-flap computers and coding
By Rosie Dickins
This is my favorite book for tech-curious people ages 4+ and their adults. There’s a lot to learn under each of the flaps. And the book is bright and sturdy.