Fennel: a Lisp for Lua

Stephen Chin on Flickr

Our language this month is Fennel— not the licorice-flavored veggie—but a fun little language that’s built on top of Lua, which we’ve been using in our TIC-80 articles. As we’re going to see at the end of this article, you can use Fennel inside TIC-80 to make games and generative art pieces.

Fennel is a lisp, and all lisps have really similar shapes as languages: they’re built around s-expressions, a list of symbols enclosed by parentheses, and use what’s called prefix, or “Polish notation” syntax.

So, in every lisp, including Fennel, you don’t say 2 + 2 you say (+ 2 2). Okay, why? There’s the original answer from the 50s when the first lisp was designed. It seemed reasonable to make a syntax that was easy to implement because of its simple structure. But we’re nearly 70 years removed from that, so why use s-expressions and parentheses now? In part, because it keeps code writing simple. There’s not a lot to remember and you can switch between lisp languages pretty easily.

The other pretty big reason is that the regular structure lets you write something called macros, where you write code in the language that takes in s-expressions and transforms them into other s-expressions. They’re like functions except they actually change the code you write.

We’re not really going to get into macros in this article but when we use Fennel in future TIC-80 projects we might get to show some fun examples of them. For now, what I’ll say is that macros let you create new features of a language, ones that you wish it had. Sort of a way to hack the programming language itself without having to create an entirely new language.

All that being said, I think the best way I can introduce the language is to give you the Fennel version of the program from our TIC-80 article this month and point out some of the differences:

;; script:  fennel
;; strict:  true
(var stars {})
(fn makeNewStar [top bottom]
 (let [newStar {:x (math.random 0 240)
                :y (math.random top bottom)
                :r (math.random 0 1)
                :t (math.random 5 240)
                :vy (/ (+ 1 (math.random)) 3)}]
   (table.insert stars newStar)))
(for [i 1 500]
 (makeNewStar 0 136))
(fn _G.TIC []
  (cls 0)
  (each [i s (ipairs stars)]
   (circ s.x s.y s.r 12)
   (set s.y (+ s.y s.vy))
   (if (= s.t 0)
     (set s.r (% (+ 1 s.r) 2))
     (set s.t 240))
    (set s.t (- s.t 1)))
   (when (> s.y 136)
    (makeNewStar -20 -5)
    (table.remove stars i))))

Other than the s-expressions, some of the obvious things are that you use set rather than the = in order to set a variable. Rather than having for … in and for you have each and for, respectively. You read the if-statement this way: the first s-expression is the “conditional”, the second is the “then” clause, and the third is the “else” clause. We use do inside the if so that we can have multiple things happen inside just one s-expression.

We still keep the s.y, s.r, &c. Syntax but we actually could write s.y as (. s :y) and we could write the set as (tset s :y …). You’ll notice that we also can use all the functions that we used in the TIC- 80 article’s Lua code.

We’re off to a great start. In many ways, Fennel is smaller than Lua and is pretty easy to work with. In our next TIC-80 article, we’ll be writing Fennel code and getting into some more of the advanced features.

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Fennel Programming Language




Fennel: A Lisp Language for Lua Programming


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Introduction to Lisp


Lisp Programming Language




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