1.35.2 👽 Sunday Links… Student Drones, Magnetic Field Sounds, Phone Hearing Aids, Skyrim AI Mods

David J on Flickr

What kind of sound does our Earth’s magnetic field make? The European Space Agency has a neat video: it sounds like someone (a ghost?) moving stuff in your attic. Very weird. This week’s links include high school kids using drones, an FCC (US Federal Communication Commission) ruling that phones must work with hearing aids, how to intercept alien radio signals, and more quirky STEM stuff. I especially like the idea of Skyrim and Stardew game modders using AI to create chatty characters. Sounds fun. Thank you for reading today!


High schoolers use drone technology to simulate search-and-rescue in corn maze

Earth’s Flipping Magnetic Field Heard as Sound Is an Unforgettable Horror

Top “Reasoning” AI Models Can be Brought to Their Knees With an Extremely Simple Trick

FCC Requires That All Mobile Phones Must Be Compatible With Hearing Aids

New type of plastic biodegrades in the ocean faster than paper

Scientists Say They’ve Figured Out a Way to Intercept Alien Radio Signals

Modders are using AI to create chatty companions in Skyrim and Stardew games

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