Bored? Stressed out? If you’ve wondered what your life would be like as a penguin, especially a cute fluffy penguin like the Adélie penguins:
“Researchers have shared captivating footage of an Adélie penguin going about its life in Antarctica.
“Take a dive into the life of Adélie penguins,” says WWF when it shared the footage online. “Antarctica is known as one of the world’s most important ‘natural laboratories’ – which is why so many scientists brave the cold to work there!”
Researchers at the French Polar Institute (IPEV) and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) attached cameras to penguins to learn about their behaviours, how they feed and what type of prey they eat.”
Penguin’s-eye view: take a bumpy ride into the deep blue with this spellbinding footage from Antarctica
A day in the life of a penguin researcher
Adélie penguin
Adélie Penguin
10 facts about Adélie penguins
Adélie penguin