1.13.2 🦕 Sunday Links… Neanderthals x 2, Bad Dreams, Fuel Cell Trains, Fast Battery Charging

Ryan Quick on Flickr

Were the Flintstones Neanderthals? Apparently in the first issue of the Flintstones comic book, Mr. Slate gets Fred to hire Neanderthals because they don’t know the meaning of money. So they co-existed. With that cleared out of the way, this Sunday email has two science stories about Neanderthals that I found interesting. Plus a fascinating story about Amazon warehouse workers figuring out how to get rare paid time off, as well as a story about hydrogen fueled trains, Earth’s magnetic field, and more. Hope you find them of interesting and useful.


A Leading Theory Behind Neanderthal Extinction May Surprise You | Discover Magazine

How Neanderthal language differed from modern human – they probably didn’t use metaphors

Korean researchers develop battery that could eliminate major issue with electric cars: ‘A new era where rapid charging becomes a reality’

Amazon Workers Use Bots to Claim Limited Supply of Time Off

Dreams help you process bad experiences

Earth’s Magnetic Field Nearly Collapsed 600 Million Years Ago. Then, Weird and Complex Life Evolved

Fuel-cell train travels more than 1,700 miles on one tank of hydrogen

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