1.28.2 ☢️ Sunday Links… Ping Pong Robot, Nuclear Fusion & Mayonnaise, Earth’s Mantle, Space-Based Solar

Kelsey Todd on Unsplash

Happy Sunday! Quick, touch your nose: do you exist? One of the STEM/STEAM links this morning is about a discovery that our universe should not exist. Except we do exist. There’s also a few links about a recent drilling expedition to the Earth’s mantle. Google has built a robot that can outplay humans at ping pong. Mayonnaise has led to a nuclear fusion discovery. And there’s a few more fun quirky links to enjoy.


Scientists Discovered Something Kinda Alarming: The Universe Shouldn’t Actually Exist

Record-breaking drill core reaches 1.2 kilometres into Earth’s mantle

First rocks recovered from Earth’s mantle

Watch Google’s ping pong robot beat humans at their own game

Physicists solve nuclear fusion mystery with mayonnaise

Study observes that similarities between physical and biological systems might be greater than we think

Space-Based Solar Power Gets Practical

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