Welcome to another Sunday email with fun interesting links about STEM/STEAM. There’s stories about making the Seine in Paris swimmable, how nightmares could be a sign autoimmune disease, how gems were stolen from the British Museum and sold on eBay, and dirty car art. Plus, what would you do if facial recognition software wrongly tagged you as a shoplifter and banned you from stores? It actually happened in the UK. Hope you find some or all of these links interesting. And thank you for reading today. Have a great Sunday!
Some Parisians save ‘le pipi’ to help the Seine
Eco Wave Power – Wave Energy Company
Nightmares could be a sign of autoimmune disease – Futurity
British Museum gems for sale on eBay – how a theft was exposed
‘I was misidentified as shoplifter by facial recognition tech’
Dirty Car Art
Crochet Your Own Adorable Amigurumi Resistor – Make: